#Safety technician #Drawing up documentation #Safety audit #Risk assessment #PPE
#Fire protection technician #Drawing up documentation #Fire constrols #Fire extuinguishers
#Coordination of safety at the construction site #OHS Plan of Construction site
#Health supervision for employees #Risk assessment #Categorization of work #Operational regulations
#ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System #ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System.
#Safety trainings #Fire safety trainings #Constructions machines #Motor trucks #Load binder #Crane
Construction site Safety Coordinator
Coordination of safety at the construction site
The activity of the safety coordinator at the construction site is described by Government Regulation no. 396/2006 Coll. on minimum safety and health requirements for the construction site.
The builder is obliged to assign a safety coordinator to each construction site where more than one employer will perform work, or more than one natural person who is an entrepreneur and is not an employer.
The builder is obliged to ensure drawing up of the Occupational Health and Safety Plan before establishing the construction site.

Drawing up OHS Plan of construction site

Construction site Safety Coordinator

Communication with state authority
OHS Plan of Construction site
The OSH plan defines work safety rules and requirements regarding health protection, fire protection and the environment at the construction site during the implementation of the said construction. The health and safety plan is an integral part of the project documentation for the mentioned building.
The OSH plan must also contain special measures for individual works with special hazards, which are mainly:
- work in which employees are exposed to the danger of being buried, falling into swampy terrain or falling from a height, where the risk is increased by the nature of the work, the working procedure used or the conditions of the working environment at the construction site,
- work in which employees are at risk from exposure to chemical or biological factors that pose a particular danger to the safety and health of employees or for which a special regulation provides for monitoring of the working environment,
- work in controlled zones at workplaces with sources of ionizing radiation and work in transitional controlled zones during activities leading to radiation,
- work near high voltage,
- works where there is a danger of drowning,
- work in shafts, underground and tunnels,
- work performed by divers with breathing apparatus,
- work performed in caissons and in an environment with compressed air,
- work with explosives,
- assembly or disassembly of heavy structural elements.

Coordination of safety at the construction site
What does site safety coordination involve?
- coordination of the cooperation of contractors or persons from the point of view of health and safety, taking into account the nature of the construction and the general principles of risk prevention and activities carried out at the construction site at the same time, or in close proximity, with the aim of protecting the health of persons, preventing occupational accidents and preventing the occurrence of occupational diseases,
- monitoring of works on the construction site with a focus on determining whether the OSH requirements are met,
- drawing attention to identified deficiencies and requesting the elimination of identified deficiencies without undue delay,
- sending an initiative and, at the request of the establishment, recommending a technical solution or measures to ensure health and safety for the establishment of work or technological procedures and planning the implementation of technological works which, with regard to material and temporal links during construction, are connected at the same time or will follow each other,
- control of the security of the construction site perimeter, including the entrance and entrance to the construction site in order to prevent the entry of unauthorized persons,
- monitoring whether the processors comply with the Health and Safety Plan and negotiating with them the adoption of measures and deadlines for the correction of identified deficiencies,
- to participate in controlled days focused on Consistent Health and Safety for the participation of contractors,
- drawing up records of identified deficiencies in health and safety at the construction site and proposing measures to determine whether and how these deficiencies can be eliminated.

Quality of services

Professionalism and thoroughness

Individual approach