#Safety technician #Drawing up documentation #Safety audit #Risk assessment #PPE
#Fire protection technician #Drawing up documentation #Fire constrols #Fire extuinguishers
#Coordination of safety at the construction site #OHS Plan of Construction site
#Health supervision for employees #Risk assessment #Categorization of work #Operational regulations
#ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System #ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System.
#Safety trainings #Fire safety trainings #Constructions machines #Motor trucks #Load binder #Crane
Occupational Health Service
The occupational health service carries out health supervision for employees and provides professional and advisory activities to employers to fulfill their obligations in accordance with Act no. 355/2007 Coll. on the protection, support and development of public health and on the amendment of certain laws.
Each employer who employes employees is obleged top have Occupational health services. That is, if you have even one employee, you are obliget to have Occupational health service.
We work with one of the leading occupational health
service in Slovakia and therefore we can secure your obligations
employer in this area as well.

Workplace analysis

Risk assessment with work categorization

Operating regulations

First Aid course

Assessment of work factors

Professional consultancy
The basic obligations of the employer by law are:
- to ensure measures that reduce the exposure of employees to physical, chemical, biological or further other environments (only “work and work environment factors”) to the lowest achievable level, but at least to the level of limits established by special regulations,
- ensure an assessment of the health risk from exposure to work and work environment factors and, based on this assessment, ensure the preparation of a written risk assessment with the categorization of work from the point of view of health risk in cooperation with the occupational health service according to § 30a par. 3;
- assessment of the health risk from the exposure of work and the working environment at the workplace where employees perform work included in
– second category at least once every 24 months,
– third category or fourth category at least once a year.

What are the work and work environment factors?
Work and work environment factors are:
- noise,
- vibration,
- ionizing radiation,
- electromagnetic field,
- ultraviolet radiation,
- infrared radiation,
- laser radiation,
- heat load,
- cold load,
- chemical factor,
- carcinogenic and mutagenic factor,
- biological factor,
- physical load at work,
- mental workload,
- increased air pressure.

Quality of services

Professionalism and thoroughness

Individual approach